Ready to level-up your education? Premier Prep Online Academy was designed specifically with talent-driven students in mind. Let’s work together to design a learning program that will help you reach your personal and academic goals.
Interested in a Premier Prep Education?
We’re gearing up for our inaugural year and are excited to grow together with our first year of students. Rest assured though, even though it’s our first year as a charter school, we have over 30 years of experience working with talented students across a variety of platforms. Please complete our online form indicating your interest in enrollment at Premier Prep Online Academy. We’re looking forward to speaking with you and helping you achieve your dreams!
How to Enroll
We’re getting all of our certifications, credentialing, and policies in order. We’ll be ready soon! Please fill out our online Enrollment Form for 2024-2025, and we’ll be in touch.
Now that enrollment is available, you will need to assemble the following required items and submit them to the school within 30 days of your enrollment form submission:
- An original birth certificate (If one is not available, the parent and/or guardian may supply another, reliable proof of the pupil’s identity and age, including the pupil’s baptismal certificate, an application for a social security number, or original school registration records, along with an affidavit explaining the inability to provide a copy of the birth certificate.)
- A completed Arizona residency form and corresponding documentation
After you have completed and turned in the enrollment form and the required documents within the 30-day time period, you are officially enrolled.
What Comes Next: Create a Specialized Learning Experience
Once enrolled, new students and their families will meet with the principal or academic advisor to review their educational record and to learn about the student’s unique talent(s). Working closely with students and their caregivers, we will create a specialized learning experience that details their course plan, daily schedule, educational portfolio, and graduation requirements.